Compared to the previous dual-screen 5-megapixel monitor EIZO set-up, the single-screen 12-megapixel solution with the RadiForce RX1270 takes up less space, therefore offering a higher resolution for efficient reporting.
RadiForce Referenz
Reference Centre Mammography North
Optimized diagnostic workstation with the 12-megapixel EIZO RadiForce RX1270 monitor

The initial situation
For several years, the Reference Centre Mammography North has been using EIZO RadiForce monitors: for documentation and evaluation, technical quality assurance, reporting, and training doctors in mammography screening.
"We only use EIZO monitors. Previously, we have used monitors from other manufacturers, but have gradually replaced them with EIZO ", reports Christian Grünke, Head of IT System Administration at the Reference Centre Mammography North.

"And for good reason", he continues: "In the reference centre, we also operate a training facility with fourteen seats, which is also approved for reporting. Initially, it was important for us to use monitors from different manufacturers for the course participants so they could see different image impressions with the same images. This allowed the participants the opportunity to find the optimal monitor for their work. However, it was quickly apparent the EIZO monitors simply offer the most advantages for the doctors.
"The reliability of EIZO products, even after long periods of use, cannot be denied. And with the calibration sensors built into the monitors, quality assurance is optimally guaranteed. We use EIZO's RadiCS software for this and are very satisfied with it. In addition, we appreciate the good service from EIZO when we have questions about the products.
Christian Grünke
Head of IT System Administration Reference Centre Mammography North
The EIZO solution
Until now, the Reference Centre North used two EIZO RadiForce GX550 5-megapixel monitors on each diagnostic workstation. On the recommendation of SQ-Labs GmbH, the long-standing supplier of the Reference Centre North for medical monitors, these are gradually being replaced by a RadiForce RX1270. Christian Grünke explains: "To optimise the diagnostic workstations, we are now replacing the GX550 models with the RX1270. Compared to the dual-screen, the large single-screen solution with its 12 megapixels offers a significantly higher resolution for even more efficient reporting. In addition, you gain more space on the desk. The comfort light built into the back of the RX1270 is also practical." It helps to create a consistent lighting environment when the comfort light is used as the only light source at the diagnostic station. This is also the reason why all other RadiForce diagnostic monitors (monochrome and colour) have been equipped with the RadiLight comfort light (available as an optional extra). In addition, EIZO FlexScan models can be found as RIS monitors on the diagnostic workstations.

Dr. med. Gerold Hecht, Head of the Reference Centre Mammography North

About the Reference Centre Mammography North
The Reference Centre Mammography North accompanies over 15 screening units in the federal states of Lower Saxony, Bremen, Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein. It is one of the five reference centres that regionally assumes the tasks for the Mammography Cooperation Group within the framework of the Mammography Screening Programme.
These consist of advising doctors and radiological specialists from the screening units and supporting them in their tasks. In addition, the reference centres are responsible for further training, physical-technical and medical quality assurance, the evaluation of the screening units and the scientific monitoring of the cancer screening programme.