Video Surveillance

Professional monitors and solutions for 24/7 use

All video surveillance solutions

Monitors and other products used in video surveillance need to be durable and reliable – and maintain these qualities throughout 24/7 use. EIZO solutions boast excellent image quality and a high degree of reliability, making them the perfect choice for use in video security systems.

That’s why EIZO’s portfolio offers the right solution for any application: from IP decoding monitors with integrated hardware decoding and flexible installations with IP decoding boxes to touch and video monitors. For clearer images in dark environments or in poor weather conditions, EIZO provides image optimisation systems.

Advantages at a glance

EIZO solutions for video surveillance

  • Suitable for 24/7 use
  • High reliability and long product life cycle
  • Perfect solution for use in businesses, buildings, underground carparks, outdoor areas, access controls and many other scenarios
  • IP monitors and IP decoding boxes can be connected to surveillance cameras and systems without a computer
  • Improved detection capabilities thanks to optimised image reproduction

EIZO solutions in action


Hydro Technology Institute

EIZO’s ultra-high sensitivity camera makes it possible to measure river flow rates and velocities even at night.

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Salzgitter AG

The steel and technology group relies on EIZO for video surveillance. Thanks to the EIZO IP decoder solution, the analogue video security systems can be quickly and easily converted to a new digital standard.

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Edmonton Transit Service

Edmonton Transit Service in Canada uses EIZO IP decoding monitors together with Genetec VMS.

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The Japanese telecommunications company KDDI is equipping the monitoring rooms and offices of a new network operations centre with DuraVision IP decoding boxes and FlexScan monitors.

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Individual solutions

We are also happy to offer you customised special solutions that meet your exact needs because we know that the security and surveillance sector has very varied and specific requirements.