When the screening system at the sewage treatment plant was due for renewal, Urban Drainage and Environmental Analysis (SUN) decided to equip the site with the market leading EIZO IP decoding solution DuraVision FDF2711-W-IP in customised splash-proof housing. This solution provides both plant operators and visitors a direct view of the brush unit during on-site tours, while securing the monitors from external damage.
Urban drainage Nuremberg
EIZO DuraVision FDF2711W-IP provides direct insights

The screening system used in the inflow of the wastewater treatment plant is equipped with a warning system, this serves to protect the plant from large objects entering in the wastewater. Part of the warning system, among other controls, is a camera and its images are transmitted to a central control room. Since the screening plant is a closed system, it is not possible to simply look into the screens on site therefore, they needed to find a suitable decoding and monitor solution.
During his research, Lars Fenner, a technical employee at the City of Nuremberg, who works in the area of wastewater treatment process control technology, came across the EIZO IP decoder monitors. Lars Fenner has been looking after the video systems of the sewage works for several years. It was clear to him: "I was looking for a solution via TCP/IP. In the process, I discovered that not all video streams are the same and that the ONVIF standard still means nothing and that every manufacturer understands and defines it in the same way. I was looking for a replacement for the decoders we had been using up to now. The new solution is able to display the H.264 video streams of different camera manufacturers all within a 24-hour operation. This total solution was found at EIZO."
"Apart from the excellent image quality, what I particularly like about the EIZO solution, is that I only have one device with an integrated decoder in one housing, power supply, network and that's it!"
Lars Fenner
technical employee, City of Nuremberg
He adds further: "The test device that was provided to me by EIZO worked straight away and was absolutely self-explanatory. This convinced me completely and I therefore didn't look for any more alternatives."
A colleague of Lars , who personally edits his photos on an EIZO ColorEdge graphics monitor, is also convinced of the special quality of the EIZO IP decoder monitors: "EIZO is simply quality. It does what it's supposed to do. Did you expect anything else?"

About Urban Drainage and Environmental Analysis in Nuremberg
The City of Nuremberg operates two wastewater treatment plants, managed by the municipal company Urban Drainage and Environmental Analysis in Nuremberg. A total wastewater volume of 65 to 70 million m3 is treated annually in the wastewater treatment plants. SUN employs about 400 people in the departments "Urban Drainage" and "Environmental Analysis" as well as in a commercial department. The environmental analysis department examines about 36,000 samples per year and analyses about 400,000 parameters. About 400 analytical methods are used. In addition, the modern environmental company looks after three outdoor air and three flowing water measuring stations and is responsible for extensive online analysis in the sewage treatment plants.
Learn more about:
DuraVision IP Decoder Solutions
The Nuremberg Municipal Drainage and Environmental Analysis Department
Copyright photos: Lars Fenner (Nuremberg Municipal Drainage and Environmental Analysis Department)