Acting responsibly towards the planet, our employees, customers, and society is an essential part of how we do business. We embed sustainability and ethical practices in everything we do and work to further advance our environmental, social and governance commitments.
Our mission
Acting responsibly and sustainably

EIZO Principles of conduct - The Seven Promises
We establish the following “EIZO principles of conduct – Seven Promises” as guidelines for each EIZO Group employee and as a commitment to our stakeholders. We pledge to conduct our business in accordance with these principles.
Participation in international initiatives
EIZO takes a clear position against unacceptable behaviour. Therefore, we participate in the United Nations Global Compact, which is based on the labour principles of the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization (ILO). We have also joined the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) and are committed to continuous optimisation within our global supply chain.

United Nations Global Compact
EIZO joined the United Nations Global Compact in September 2012. The UN Global Compact is a voluntary initiative to achieve sustainable growth in which companies act as good citizens of society by realizing responsible and creative leadership. Corporations that sign the UN Global Compact pledge to protect 10 basic principles concerning corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment, and anti-corruption. We assume our social responsibility for the global common good and increase the value of our company by upholding the ten basic principles of the UN Global Compact.
Further information about the United Nations Global Compact
Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)
EIZO Corporation has joined the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) in January 2020, and fully supports the vision and goals of the RBA.
RBA is a corporate alliance that promotes CSR in the global supply chain of the electronics industry. EIZO commits to progressively align its own operations with the provisions of the RBA Code of Conduct and to support and encourage its own first-tier suppliers to do the same.

International Labor Organization (ILO)
EIZO respects human rights according to ILO (International Labor Organization). "EIZO Principles of Conduct – Seven Promises” abides by the policies of the United Nations Global Compact, which is based on the conventions by the ILO (International Labor Organization).
As such, EIZO does not commit, engage in, or otherwise become involved with any form of forced labor or child labor, does support the elimination of discrimination, and does maintain respect for the human rights of its employees.

We are committed to transparency and have documented our social responsibility activities in annual CSR reports since 2007.
Since 2020, this report has been replaced by the Integrated Report. This combines financial information and non-financial information such as business strategy and our commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. The Integrated Report provides our shareholders, investors and other stakeholders with a comprehensive report on the EIZO Group’s medium and long-term initiatives to increase our corporate value.