Software for the office

Screen InStyle Server

The Screen InStyle Server application allows system administrators to manage and control monitors and PCs connected to the network.

Product image Screen InStyle Server

Managing monitors and PCs

in the network

Screen InStyle Server is a browser-based management tool that allows monitors connected to the network to be managed centrally.

Screen InStyle Server supports the management of PCs running a Windows version - but not a macOS version - of Screen InStyle.

Managing monitors and PCs in the network

Screen InStyle Server supports efficient inventory management. Administrators can view information such as the number, model or serial number and operating status of all monitors connected to the network. This allows them to plan when monitors need to be replaced based on their total hours of use, for example.

Data from PCs such as the operating system, user name or IP address can also be accessed. Monitor and PC information can be exported to Excel and transferred to another management software.

Available information about monitors and PCs in the network



Model, Serial number, Power On / Power Off, Usage time, Brightness, Color mode, Color settings, Eco settings, Key lock


Manufacturer, Model, Serial number, Computer name, User name, Operating system, IP address, MAC address, Power Option Settings

Monitor and PC information can be imported and exported to an Excel sheet. Information can be easily transmitted to another company’s management software.


Information about monitors (e.g., model, serial number, colour mode) and PC data (e.g., operating system, user name, IP address) can be selected and displayed when needed.

Control display settings

Monitor settings such as colour mode or brightness can be set for individual monitors or entire departments. This is useful for setting up the ergonomic conditions for each workstation. 

Screen InStyle Server is also advantageous for larger rollouts because it allows basic settings to be set up centrally all at once for individual users or user groups. It can prevent unintentional changes to the settings made by the user.


System administrators can set up optimal display modes for individual user groups.


The settings menu of each connected monitor can be accessed via a pull-down menu.


Commands to the selected target monitors are sent via the monitor settings.

Optimise power consumption

Screen InStyle Server gives device administrators the option of reducing the total power consumption of connected PCs and monitors.

The devices can be set up to go automatically into sleep mode after a certain period of time without user interaction, which saves power.


Monitors and PC go into sleep mode after a certain period of time.

Automatic lock for greater security

Users often forget to lock their PC when they leave their workstation. Screen InStyle Server enables network PCs to send an automatic lock command after a predefined period of time without interaction. This increases the security in office environments.


The lock functionality for PCs can be controlled centrally with Screen InStyle Server.


To use Screen InStyle Server, the monitors must be compatible with the Screen InStyle software and connected to a client PC.