For some time now, the Institute of Pathology Saarbrücken-Rastpfuhl under the direction of Dr. med. Bier and Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. E. Eltze has also been using EIZO RadiForce monitors for the assessment of histological and immunohistological tissue samples. The reason for this is the high quality requirements for the mammography screening program. This is because cancer should understandably be detected at the earliest possible stage in order to increase the chances of recovery for women with the disease.
RadiForce Case Study
Institute of Pathology Saarbrücken-Rastpfuhl
EIZO RadiForce MX315W monitors ensure quality standards for mammography screening

Excellent image quality for use in pathology
When asked what makes the big difference between using a monitor for medical imaging compared to a conventional monitor, Priv. Doz. Dr. med. E. Eltze, specialist in pathology:

In addition to the microscopes, monitors for medical imaging offer us the option of enlarging the specimens and zooming the radiograms in the radiology standard, particularly when assessing microcalcifications in comparison with the microscopic image. Cell components can also be viewed and assessed more closely for digital diagnosis instead of at the microscope.
Priv. Doz. Dr. med. E. Eltze
Specialist in pathology
An important criterion for the Institute of Pathology when searching for suitable monitors was the image resolution for radiological images. This is because the higher the resolution of the monitor, the more details can be seen. The images are less pixelated, have sharper edges and more content is displayed at once. The Institute of Pathology then found what it was looking for at EIZO, a leading, globally active Japanese manufacturer of high-end monitor solutions.

The decision was made in favor of the 8-megapixel model RadiForce MX315W (successor model: RadiForce MX317W) in combination with a validated MED-XN graphics card from EIZO. The MED-XN graphics cards are optimized for the specific requirements of driving EIZO RadiForce monitor solutions and thus guarantee a fast and smooth image build-up.

What we particularly appreciate about the MX315W is that it displays even the finest fabric details with sharp contours and maximum clarity thanks to its excellent image quality. It was therefore not difficult for us to choose this model.
Dr. med. B. Bier
Specialist in pathology
Institute of Pathology in Saarbrücken
The Institute of Pathology has been in existence since 1990 as an independent and privately run group practice, providing services for hospitals from various providers and general practitioners under the management of Dr. Bert Bier and Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Elke Eltze.