Office, Video Surveillance
For 24/7 use the control center for fire and rescue services relies on 37.5-inch EV3895 curved ultrawide monitors from EIZO.
Photo, Video, Graphics
Insight into the HDR workflow at ITN Post: How EIZO monitors shaped Netflix's "Ancient Apocalypse" season 2.
Video Surveillance
The IT company relies on the computer-free use of the DX0212-IP IP decoding box from EIZO for reliable security in the data center.
EIZO monitors for greater efficiency in the back office and a more esthetic office.
"Hyperreal photography" is what Swiss photographer Fabio Antenore calls his style, which has brought him worldwide attention and recognition. Technology plays an important role in the entire process of creating his art.
Digital transformation in the textile industry: The ColorEdge monitors from EIZO are a decisive component and important success factor in the digital workflow.
EIZO RadiForce monitors ensure quality standards for mammography screening.
Jan Leßmann and Hermann Hirsch are not only excellent nature photographers whose often abstract photos regularly take top places in renowned photo competitions.
In the new Network Manager Operations Center (NMOC) in Belgium, 121 ergonomic workstations were equipped with EV3285.
German photographer Robert Maschke tells us what role the ColorEdge CG2700X plays in his image editing workflow and how AI is changing the market for professional images.
Sustainability and long-term ROI were key factors for the Royal Automobile Association in choosing EIZO FlexScan monitors.
Das italienische Unternehmen für die Postproduktion von Filmen hat 75 ColorEdge-Monitore im Einsatz; darunter auch zwei PROMINENCE CG3146.
Photographer Radomir Jakubowski edits nature photos on EIZO's ColorEdge CG2700X to make sure the colors, sharpness and brightness of the image are just right.
Ulla Lohmann won the ‘Jugend forscht’ (‘youth researches’) competition at the age of 18. She used the prize money to take a trip around the world. Now aged 40, she still hasn’t stopped travelling.
Productivity, ergonomics and sustainability for the investment house Vontobel with the EIZO FlexScan EV3895 Curved Monitor.
EIZO’s ultra-high sensitivity camera makes it possible to measure river flow rates and velocities even at night.
Marquise Technologies provides solutions for the post-production industry using EIZO's PROMINENCE CG3146 monitor.
Read here what makes a perfect picture for Evely Duis and what significance EIZO graphic monitors have for the work of the ColorEdge Ambassador.
FlexScan monitors for CAD and office applications: Ladenbau Innenausbau Hemling GmbH has placed its trust in EIZO monitors exclusively.
The eight-eye workstations in the command room of the SBB operations centre in Olten
The steel and technology group relies on EIZO for video surveillance. Thanks to the EIZO IP decoder solution, the analogue video security systems can be quickly and easily converted to a new digital standard.
Tanja Brandt is a wildlife photographer and wide-reaching social media phenomenon. EIZO showcases her work and Brandt shares her experiences with her CG2700X and CS2740 4K ColorEdge monitors.
Aedes again chooses EIZO monitors and eliminates the need for a docking station.
With the photo series "cursare", Lilli Nass took part in the BFF's New Young Talent Award and won first place. As the main prize of the competition, Nass was able to enjoy a ColorEdge CG2700X monitor.
In an interview, professional dog photographer Diana Mehner gives tips for unusual pictures of four-legged friends and explains how important it is for her to work in true colour with her ColorEdge CG2700S monitor from EIZO.
Photographer and filmmaker Christin Necker aims to inspire her viewers through the power of visual storytelling, and counts time-lapse, hyperlapse and drone videography among her specialties.
The Italian distributor Attiva SpA makes EIZO FlexScan EV2451 available to employees in the office and home office. The compact design fits perfectly into any working environment and guarantees excellent working ergonomics in both locations.
The ColorEdge CG319X is the reliable companion of architecture and portrait photographer Pascal Vandecasteele. The photographer can also rely on the monitor's brilliant colour reproduction in product photography.
Well equipped for curative mammography thanks to RX1270.
With his work "State of Nature", Marvin Dreblow deconstructs the transfigured perception of the forest. With this, he took second place in the new BFF Promotion Award 2022 and won an EIZO ColorEdge CG2700S.
The Reference Centre for Mammography North achieves significantly more efficient reporting with the RadiForce RX1270.
FullDepth is Japan’s first underwater drone manufacturer and uses EIZO`s DuraVison EVS1VX image optimisation system for enhancing images captured by drones.
With "Another Time, Another Place", photographer Martin Hülle has published his second photo book. His ColorEdge CS2740 was his central tool.
NEW AG, based in Mönchengladbach, Germany, has been exclusively using EIZO monitors since 2000. The company will now be equipping all new workstations with the FlexScan EV2795.
Edisen is a global full-service partner in communications, entertainment, post-production and MarTech and has chosen EIZO's CG3146 reference monitor to assure its grading quality.
In this interview, the highly sought-after journalisttells us how helpful her ColorEdge CG2420 is for her photography.
Micro Nav and EIZO develop simulation platform for the Royal Netherlands Air Force.
Japanese telecommunications company KDDI is equipping the monitoring rooms and offices of a new network operations centre with DuraVision IP decoder boxes and FlexScan monitors.
For the new radiology practice, the MIL X-ray Institute relies on the RadiForce RX660 and MS236WT monitors.
The Canadian transport company Edmonton Transit Service uses an integrated video surveillance solution with EIZO IP decoding monitors and the Genetec VMS to monitor train stations.
Spectacular views from the cockpit windows: Flight attendant and travel photographer Mehrdad Abedi uses the ColorEdge CS2731 for image processing.
EIZO CuratOR: EIZO's solution for a next generation electrophysiology lab at Imelda Hospital in Bonheiden is efficient and space-saving.
Fashion and beauty photographer Christian Ammann skillfully sets the scene for ballet dancer Marta.
EIZO CuratOR: Optimised workflows thanks to EIZO solution at Magdeburg University Hospital.
Marzotto is committed to digitising its design and sampling process as much as possible.
Direct views into the brush unit thanks to DuraVision FDF2711W-IP.
Grindel Sports Centre opts for integrated surveillance solutions from EIZO and MOBOTIX.
Marianna Santoni is an Italy-based international photographer and a worldwide acclaimed Photoshop expert.
Movements full of grace and charm in time with the music and perfect body control – this is what Sascha Hüttenhain aims to capture in his photographs.
EIZO took on the major challenge of working with Alphatron to realize Luuk Vroombout’s vision and develop new 46-inch monitor for shipping, specifically designed for the AlphaPremiumBridge concept.
trivago relies on EIZO monitors at its new company campus based in the MedienHafen in Dusseldorf, Germany. Work stations for up to 2100 employees have been equipped with FlexScan screens.
The Dutch DIY store Inter Chalet uses IP decoding monitors by EIZO to prevent theft.
Where EIZO monitors are an integral part of both the bank and home office hardware setup
With monitors from EIZO, the operations centre of the Zurich city police has a full overview of all emergency messages in the city of Zurich.
One of the most advanced emergency control centers in the world, located in Switzerland, chooses EIZO's ultra-slim bezel monitors for multi-monitor workstations.
GLS Bank has been using EIZO monitors since 2016 and has been continuously replacing all "old monitors" with the FlexScan EV2460 model ever since.
The medical team uses both RadiForce MammoDuo models – the RX660 and RX560 – for diagnostics.
Dušan Bajtoš and Tomáš Kudrna tell us in an interview about the advantages of the ColorEdge CG3145 in the post-production process of Czech Philharmonic Orchestra concerts.
The EIZO IP Decoder Monitor enables us to display IP video images directly on this monitor in a very quick and effective manner, without the use of a PC.
More attentive and more alert during diagnostics using RadiLight.
Amazon Fashion has opened its fourth independent studio in Tokyo with a focus on fashion. EIZO ColorEdge CG2730 and CG2420 monitors are used in the studios.
The National Gallery in London relies on EIZO ColorEdge monitors for the digitalisation of their artworks.
The EUC mammogram screening centre made the choice to go with a 12 megapixel monitor solution.
Hungarian injection moulding manufacturer MIKROPAKK modernises its video surveillance system with EIZO DuraVision monitors.
OR solutions
EIZO CuratOR: Image and patient data without any technical complications. Flexible software can be easily integrated into third-party EDP environments.
The 19-inch FDS1904T touch monitor from EIZO is in day and night use on the bridge of the City of Rostock's Albert Wegener fireboat.
The sea is a true treasure trove of wonderful creatures. The Mediterranean Sea is no different – the biodiversity on display can only be marvelled at and it must be protected.
The multi-functional EV3237 proved to be capable of showing all sorts of images in very precise way, as well as offer unequalled reliability.
Medical display enables minimally invasive work in the hybrid OR.
Full overview in production: EIZO uses its own IP decoder solution to monitor production processes and ensure staff safety.